I got to do it. I went to my first strip club in 2000, two nights after turning 21. In the last 7 seven years I have been to strip clubs along the eastern seabord as well as mexico. i have been privy to private parties. In total i have seem my fair share of smut. i can judge a stripper within a song and the entire club in 20 mins. From the Fancy Cat (rip) to Salon Matehuala in Monterrey, Mexico to the corner joint in Philly. Needless to say that maybe its Charlotte or the genre in general, which I seriously doubt, its going to shit, very fast.
Back in the day, it was a different game. It was full contact stripping. You needed a waiver of liability. Your local enthusiastic dancer named Fantasy, Dream, Seduction, or one of the thousands of lovely fruit or spice flavors was seriously on the grind. She would jump on you, climb you, scratch you, bite you etc, for two songs you were guaranteed intense dry humping and groping was expecting, meaning she would grope you. Contact was permitted as determined by the curvy customer servant. the options were endless.
now its a new ballgame. sure the facilities are better. hell, sometimes the quantity and quality of women is better. unfortunatley the services have taken a dive. a lap dance now equals me, sitting down waiting for her to get in my lap. it should be a called a wish dance and she can wish that i pay her. what you really get is a perimeter of 18", a little eye contact, and maybe one 15 second grind. Damn, I'm much better off going to Crush. i could at least get some rubs at the club. Piss poor at best.....
before i forget, there is a new phenomena indoor percipitation that further compounds things. yeah, making it rain. wow!!!! its purely a show-off move for the dude. it has nothing to do with the chick. its not an invite. they dont even make sure the chick gets the loot. its just flashing non-legal tender to the other d-boys in attendence. i have seen the laziest, uncoordinated stripper get hundreds of dollars thrown her way just because some choice dope boy music came through the speaker. once Jeezy in particular plays, the dollars come out. so baby, dont get to high on yourself. and fellas, you got the game all messed up.
Next time you go to the club, I dare you throw a bunch of pennies in the air and say "Im making it sprinkle on you hoes" LOL LOL LOL!
Im just sayin...
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