

i just want to share a slice of my life you. i read blogs where people chronicle their lives and i get so jealous. i get to thinking that my life is such a bore that i could never pull off one of those blogs. plus i take the worst pics. unfortunately i havent been photogenic since i was a kid. but i wanted to give a shout out to some members of my inner circle. ?myk, apex (steve for those who dont know) and jimmy. we are the troublesome foursome coming to a restuarant near you on friday afternoons. if you see us cover your kids ears, keep the wheat bread and strawberry lemonade coming and dont expect us to leave any time soon. my schedule is cleared for this. only trips out of town can keep me from it.
all topics are up for discussion and no prudes are allowed. blogger may shut me down if i made a transcript of our conversations. so i will bite my tongue. so this is a shout out to my people for a few hours of misguided inspiration every payday friday.