The peach tree blossoms. azalea flowers. more foot traffic.
Springtime is almost here and i love it. The signs are everywhere if you open your eyes and observer. No more cold, high Piedmont Natural Gas bills, the sweatsuit i wore as i lounged around the house, and the dingy towel I crammed in between the screen and front door to kill the draftiness. a beautiful time it will be. my peach trees blossomed and the birds are chirping. women start wearing less clothes andi give advance thanks to warm weather cleavage and lovely baby-oiled thighs. i can't wait.
but my enthusiasm is tempered cause there is a cost. there is a cost for everything on the westside. the cold weather receding means that the relative solace will end. yes, all of the fairweather vagrants, vagabonds, winos and addicts will emerge from hibernation. so will those jaywalking, stunt driving wheelchair racers will begin another season of Frogger. the mighty midget congregation, the parking lot panhandlers in front of the Food Dog and once again we become worrisome ATM withdrawers as the foot traffic swirls around us at a most vulnerable time. i might have to change my blog title, cause maybe i have more redeeming qualities than i give myself credit.
1 comment:
Cut dem damn weeds.
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