i am so not looking forward to this. For fifteen years, Common was my favorite rapper. but it came to a crashing halt with Finding Forever. and from his first single, its evident that the breaks are still on. common with pharrell some may love it. but it turns my stomach. the radio friendly, mass appeal serves its purpose, more exposure, new throngs of fans and adequate record sales. those relativity days were classic, innovative, and inspiring. i forgot to mention, they are long gone now. J Dilla, No ID, Premier, etc, elevated Common to legendary status. now he is like the freddy jackson of rap, love, intimacy is all he has to offer. long gone are the days............
i leave you with my favorite Common song. will he ever come close to this, ever?
my former bedroom in my parent's house. now an office but Common clippings still grace the wall.

a meeting 15 years in the making