i was on the bus today and observed the westside with new eyes. i know in the past my neighborhood has been the butt of jokes. some of which were very funny, i must admit, but now let me enlighten you on the other side of the tale.
i just wanna give a shout out to the beaties ford corridor, from trade st, jcsu, past oaklawn to lasalle, thru griers grove up to trinity park. this is my area, no doubt.
today i observed and appreciated you in a way never before. looking the the glass of the 7N this morning you, i became part of you. not like usual when i'm transvering on you on my bike or jetta. light here, light here turn, slow down then quentin st, is the usual way of things. today i saw your beauty.
the crape myrtles trees in beautiful bloom, the hard working brothers at the city water works, the gleam of chrome as a youngin hustles for a tip at the detail shop, the array of oils and incense sold in front of Mr. C's, the young tenders shaped and stout at the shopping center and the old perverse passerbys getting an big eyeful, shoptalk an the buzz of clippers at Anderton's, beating the lunchtime line as we all try to cash in on the footlong for $5, the proud father at the busstop with his gorgeous babygirl, the dark skinned sista in all her chocolate glory leaving the dooby shop, ms barbara removing her newport to give the "bidness" to the congregation of teenagers at the edge of her lawn, to stealing some shade in the carport, under the eavesment or taking advantage of the shade of aged and overgrown trees throughout University Park, the regalness of the older homes maintained by our benevolent elders, especially 1600 Beaties Ford, i'm gonna get you somehow, sometime.........and did it tell you i am up to my ears in fresh Quentin St peaches, ripe and juicy, like a farmer i harvest them everyday, you can't get that in Old Stone Crossing, McIntyre, Ballantyne, where you live, not at all. i love Quentin St, University Park and the 28216.
hold on, i have no love for any of those brick huts in University Park or LaSalle or the Texaco beside 77. if you dont know, just trust me.
so for my remaining time in qc, i will be no where else. yeah i'll put in some sweat equity and make this place sexy, new floors, paint and fixtures. then i'll be good. home is definately where the heart is.
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