congrats to the trio of taylor, clement and jackson for the US sweep of the 400mh. after watching the semis, i felt a sweep coming. i texted nigel, immo and kobe and told them. and for once i was right. ga tech's own taylor took command and still hasnt let go. shout out to y'all for bringing home the hardware to the US. cause we really really needed it this time around.
The Olympics has been amazing. Jamacia has taken over track and field. i have been watching the olymics to be amazed at their next competitor more than to root for the US. not that i am being patriotic, but our team is getting outperformed every day. the Jamacians are not rising to the occassion but seizing it. Bolt ran 19.30, breaking a record that i really never expected to get touched for at least another 20 years. i mean, no one has run within in .3 of a second of that record, so seeing it smashed was really unheard of.
us sprinters have a lot of work to do in the future. Bolt will continue to re-write the history books, while we search for an answer
in my former life i was a hurdler and actually was pretty good for a while. so the Olympics is a big thing. and besides has half way brought me out of my current slump. for those who have been watching the 100m final was amazing. the first jamacian olympic gold medal at world record pace. truly amazing. but the 400m hurdles is by far my favorite event. the men's final is tonight. i predict an American sweep. we all but own this event at the olympics and it will not change in Bejing. and i think Ga Tech's own Angelo Taylor is a dark horse to win, after seeing how smooth he was in both the quarter and semifinals.
i leave you with some of my favorite races, hopefully tonights race will compare
John Akii-Bua, delivering Uganda's first gold medal in 1972 Munich (lane 1)
Edwin Moses Gold Medals in Montreal 76 and LA 84
Kevin Young Barcelona 92 46.78 current world record
we lost another legend, damn!!! this one cut me deep. i became a isaac hayes fan listening to his records in my parents' living room as a teenager. From "To Be Continued", "Joy", "The Isaac Hayes Movement", "Black Moses", to Dead President's Soundtrack he dropped classic material. and those lp's i took from my parents last year for my own collection.
it was more than soulful love songs. he talked for me, when i got myself tangled intoanother complicid situation. he talked as if he had been there himself. and he would even put the rap on the chicks. and not some simpy, i can't breathe without you type game. it was what they call "real talk"(i really hate that term).
his talent was phenomenal. the arrangements, the delivery, the songwriting, even his re-makes were amazing. he remade country songs and made them his own. and he was the epitome of his era. when music fans had more than a knat size attention span.
he made great music for music lovers. he made us into music lovers. there will be no more like you. you are tremendously missed.
the shaft theme song is a bad ass song.
its shameful when he has to be mentioned as the chef from south park for name recognition.
did i mention fashion icon. i know you saw the chainlink shirt he wore on the cover of Joy and in the video above.
Driving while black in Charlotte is some risky shit. Peep this narrative from my boy Steve. Damn CMPD is like Pac Man from Colors. They got the game all fucked up.
Reasonable Suspicion
So where do i begin with this one? Well i'll start by sayin im kinda at stagnate point right now so when a good day, good week, or jus a moment comes i cherish them greatly. With the exception of a mistake caring over from last week this week was pretty good. I created some new avenues, conversed with some folks about possible opts, met people, jus things of that nature. Along with my steady diet of garlic flavored tofu with rice and my consistent workout routine everything was everything! Wednesday was a different day. My sixth sense is REALLY strong when i feel things in my life change. Sometimes its jus a feelin other times i get these crazy visuals when something is going down (good or bad). That sixth sense started and because of it this wasn't one of my better mood days and it DEFINITELY carried over into my night. Well already exhausted and worn out from an overly crowed night at the loft, i decided to bail out.***it gets ugly here***So im at the stop light on tryon gettin ready to bust left on craighead, Ironically i see 4 fuckin cop cars! Strangely enough none of them behind me though (a strategic set up). So i make my turn on craighead. Whata ya know?!?! One of those fuckin cops are tailing me from a distance. I turn on graham then COMPLETELY OUT OF NOWHERE ITS SIX COP CARs SURROUNDING MY SHIT! Theirs about 10 cops, 10 9mm's and enough bullets to kill like 80 people. Now im on the ground, my trucks gettin ram shacked, then handcuffed and shoved in the back of a cop's car. Its a 40 minute wait, tons of stupid ass question, blood circulation in my hands cut the hell off for WHAT?!?! REASONABLE SUSPICION.............
reasonable suspicion, of what??? didnt know that driving home sober on a Wednesday night is being such a menace to society.
My thoughts in words, which really sums it up. This will be a collage of the random thoughts and sights that consume my once promising but now empty mind. I hope you can enjoy and or relate