Beside Isiah, is Vinnie Johnson aka the Microwave. he came of the bench and became instant offense. he is a legend to me. stout in stature, not too handsome but beloved because of his grit and exciting play.
today,i was the Microwave. i went into the office and became instantly offensive. i had two complaints against me, 1) from a slack ass employee whose tender feelings were hurt because i had to call her out on being slack 2) a customer who deemed me unpleasant stating that i acted like i didn't want to be there
i'll cut to the good part. in regards to #2, i told my boss that i don't appear happy because i am not happy. he is aware of the entire situation: last two months have been a clusterfuck of inexperienced and rotating employees, as well as constant support to our counterparts thus leaving our dept in a quagmire of un-attempted duties which grows as i write this. i then said that everyday i come to work i feel like i am being dicked from behind. thats why i am not smiling. furthermore, i said that i cannot fake a smile. i hand customers accordingly and thoroughly, but i cannot be bubbly. it is not in me. although, i am angry as hell, i do not take it out on the customers. i actually talk in a lower tone of voice and have not had any "words" with anyone, employee or customer in maybe eight months. so he did his obligatory, we need to suck up to customers routine and i know its been stressfull but..........blah blah blah.
imma be me. i am not tap dancing for these overly sensitive, need their hand held crackers that come into my establishment. they get served, and thats it. he can do Mr. Bojangles all he wants too. Fuck that.
when i get treated better, i will reciprocate. but thats not coming soon. so i will do what i must to stay loyal to my check, but they can lick my salty scrotum about the other shit, employees too.
1 comment:
Eloquent. I like it. LOL
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