All i want for this bday, my 29th is....................................

singing this song.....................
thats not much at all..................
so if you can hook that up please do. i will be there asap, as soon as drink a stout glass of my potency elixer, Hennessey in the green bottle. I will let that sit for about twenty minutes and it should work just like Wesley Pipes told me it should.
Happy Birthday O
Hope you enjoy it, go get you a drank and some "bad bush" and do it big! LOL!
i will try but i do not know how many details about our bad behavior that i can actually disclose. lol and that "bad bush" comment almost made me fall onto the floor. thats a bad inside joke i had been holding onto for years. lol
dang i missed your b-day?...well happy belated...i could have got you Rih-Rih that day too! lmao
sexxy luv, don't tease!!!! this is serious.
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