Coming Soon
Selfish Promotion
ladies, i am hitting my stride. test me if you want. DJ Justice thanks for playing my theme song.
Did you see Dennis "Hot Plate" Edwards. He was sharp back in his day. Twenty 25 years and 100 pounds later, i think he still has the same haircut. but the jam is sick still
This is a FRQ PSA

if your ass is darker than a brown paper bag, you better not ever leave the house without applying ample amounts of lotion. i don't care if your color is due to extreme sunburn or a fluke recessive trait, there is no excuse.
so this goes out to you, with your ashy ass. i see you at work 2 or 3 times a week. i understand you live literally across the street. so you come in laid back in shorts and sandals, even when it is cold. i don't judge. but if you ashy ass corners me again and asks a thousand redundant questions, then repeats a third of them. i will promptly direct you towards the Lubriderm, Vaseline Intesive Care, Jergens, or the Vaseline is in 8 oz jar. if that does not work i will give you precise directions to the beauty supply store off Eastway where my man Muhammad and his brother Omar, will direct you to all of the Palmers and Queen Helene products they carry.
if those products don't work, i am sure i can find someone with some solidified bacon grease that you could work into those ashy ass pores of yours.
now i know you are Indian, Pakistani or another nationality from that area so you may see things a little different. but your calves look like they were battered at Hardee's this morning. and for that there is no excuse, irregardless of where you are from. ashy-ness has no place in public.
A few words for Chris Brown

i dont know why but this has been on my mind for a while now. we have all heard about chris brown and his domestic violence issues. from rihanna's incessant jealousy to chris's family history and wandering dick, this story is not about to end soon. i was thinking about their career's from this point on for some reason. i will hold my thoughts on rihanna. but chris on the other hand is fucked. he needs a radical makeover now. now, that good boy image is done. over, the cute twinkle in his eye that made the little girls swoon. thats over.
the caterpillar should emerge from the cocoon as a lowdown nasty thug. sold out arenas and TRL are a thing of the past. The Vox and seedy YouTube videos and maybe even a sex tape are the future. he could go on tour with those harmonizing bad boys from Charlotte, Jodeci. and put those dance moves to real use. give the ladies what they really want, pull ladies on the stage and grind on them like its a ladies lock-in. he should come out with Pumps in a Bump 2009. he could be a taller, better Ray J. (oooh that was a low blow, i must admit. market yourself to grown women with an definate sexual edge. find a stripper/porn star and with her have a volatile whitney-bobbi type relationship that will keep your name in the headlines. but every once in a while, show a little compassion or heart just to keep the ladies hooked. so they can get a glimmer of your good boy promise that was once on full display.
I have found the answer
if you have been reading lately, you should know that my car died about two weeks ago. since then i have become a sophmore in high school again. mom has become a "soccer" mom once again, by either dropping me off at work and even on occassion letting me borrow the truck to take myself. i didnt know how much it meant to me to control my own transportation. but i am very grateful, except for those moments when trapped in the car, i am forced to listen to her hard sugguestions and not feel empowered enough to make a retort. yes, i feel like i am a sophmore in high school yet again. at least then, i had Atliens in my walkman.
so i have been searching for a vehicle and did i mention that i was broke. so i have been scavenging for anything cheap yet reliable. hopefully i have no more incidents and can own the damn thing before it putters out on me. so by next friday, i plan to be rolling in something. as long as its presentable and the heat and ac work, i can work on the rest. but as i look i constantly resist the urge to look at fancy cars, which means anything outside of my price range.
but low and behold, i found a gem that i can a) afford and b) stunt in. for only a few thousand dollars i can be the talk of the town.

Lambo doors on a 93 Civic, get like me!! I see you hatin'
so i have been searching for a vehicle and did i mention that i was broke. so i have been scavenging for anything cheap yet reliable. hopefully i have no more incidents and can own the damn thing before it putters out on me. so by next friday, i plan to be rolling in something. as long as its presentable and the heat and ac work, i can work on the rest. but as i look i constantly resist the urge to look at fancy cars, which means anything outside of my price range.
but low and behold, i found a gem that i can a) afford and b) stunt in. for only a few thousand dollars i can be the talk of the town.

Lambo doors on a 93 Civic, get like me!! I see you hatin'
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