
Stakes is High

Stakes is High and you doing this bullshit

1. tiger is fucking up so badly. i dont even know if the money can save him now. he is in the kobe category and its getting worse by the day. nine jump offs have come out the closet on him. nine in a five year marriage, thats terrible for the with the blandest man on tv. only beyonce is as bland as ginger snaps

2. didnt MJ teach him the game? i just know MJ was a snake. either clandestine payoffs or very pricey hookers. i am sure he has experience with both.

3. he may have been taking Barkely's advice on cheating. if you will take relationship advice from Barkely you should sign up for his fitness seminar too

4. does Tiger even cheat with any ethnic women? i mean damn, he is multi racial from Cali, you do the math. he has all the colors of the rainbow to chose from and only Becky's and Kaitlin's he chose. taste the rainbow for me Tiger, for me

5. and he got exposed in the most dramatic fashion too. the wife swinging the 3 iron. the crash and conflicting neighbor's testimony. their statements conflict everything he says. then the other chicks emerge like soap scum in the bath tub. which i think is grimy. if you knew the game and still wound up on your back, if you take offense with him that may be deserved. but embarrasing him and his family thats not cool cause you were just the willing tramp not too long ago, dont get mad when things dont go your way. you knew what you signed up for. its not like he could hide his marriage. you could google him.

6 maybe he needed a manager to manage his women and it would have worked better


N. O. said...

In Tiger's defense, he did have one Black jump-off and one Eastern European jump-off in the bunch.

Few Redeeming Qualities.... said...

eastern european doesnt count. and how black was she? did he meet her at the swap meet, with that donk stretching some dickie pants to the limit? or was she tracy bingham's sister?