On behalf of FRQ, I'd like to give a shout out to my cousin Kelby and his lovely new bride Synavia. I wish you love, success, and happiness in your life together.
On behalf of FRQ, I'd like to give a shout out to my cousin Kelby and his lovely new bride Synavia. I wish you love, success, and happiness in your life together.
The Tang of Relationships

Just add Omar and mix. thats the simple recipe, to end her single mother woes. No dating, courting, kickin' it, no growth, feeling out period. nope, i am to turn in all my chips on the first hand.
lucky me, I have a standing invitation to join a ready made family. Yep, Ill instantly be a daddy to a 6 year old son. and will be a live-in boyfriend yet the sands of the hourglass will be counting down quickly to our impeding engagement, 6 months of freedom
what started out as a joke is a joke no more. a two year old joke has transformed into an honest invitation. and as silly as i am, i laugh no more.
seriously, what part of the game is this?
maybe i have lost touch with reality, but isnt it best not to jump into things like this. like maybe dating should be the first logical step. i mean, you are talking about disrupting at least three lives to get fullfill your nefarious plan.
and as silly as i am, i laugh no more. this situation had been brewing for sometime now. but i never knew how serious it was. we are brutally honest and talk a lot of shit to each other. so i had been joking about moving in with her and being as much as deadbeat as her baby daddy was. and jest like always.
but as she talked she had a distinctly serious tone. and my joke instantly expired.
and to make things worse, in the three years since we had seen each other her stock has not risen. thats the nicest way to put it.
Women I love...............Miss Jack Davey

let me introduce you my muse, miss jacke davey. for all of you who have head in the sand for the last two years, she is the 1/2 of the the group j*davey. j*davey is like prince's sexy ass niece and the spawn of the revolution's keyboard player, together music's post apocolyptic times. (lol, i have no idea what that means. i just saw a metaphor in my mind of the industry like Terminator 1, the rubble, the seek and destroy vehicles, you remember). but j*davey is funky, electronic, sexy, new wave, hip hop, its a goulash of sorts. its phenomenal, especially their older works.
and did i mention she is sexy in a creative, spontaneous, and smutty type way. there will be no satin sheets, lit candles, and freddie jackson playing. no sir, you might not make it to the bed or the hotel room. yeah buddy.
so ms davey, whenever you are ready to breed with a handsome and stout brother like myself, drop me a line at FRQ. i'll be ready, no doubt.
apex, i know you will appreciate.
Video Jukebox flashback
i was listening to dilla last night and he mentioned MC Breed, Detriot's original MC then I immediately thought of this video. talk about a blast from the past.
Dirty QC laundry

how can such a major city be such an asylum in boredom? the chamber of commerce should adopt that as its new slogan. for the still youthful late 20's to early 30's urban go-outer, QC is very lackluster. Unless you fall in a few general and/or cliched catergories, the offerings are overwhelmingly unsatisfactory, period.
let me begin with "Networking" parties, very clever name. first lets be honest, niggas aint trying to network nothing but some new pussy at these events. so i'll sell you a few dreams, persuade you that i'm important especially with a non-descript job title and business card with raised lettering. and you will think that i am important. seduced by the hype hopefully i can lure you to my lair. true or not, its all drama but it sound real good.
plus why are there only 30 people who really came to party. the dance floor is a big as my living room and i probably at dinner at that exact spot two nights previous cause we are in tonites rented location.
so is it worth putting on my good duds, seriously. sweaters, ties, blazers, cuff links and pointed shoes are the norm. did i forget, the slacks i wore to work on tuesday. did i recycle these pants to be "entertained" by DJ Chase or one of the other maybe 2 rotating DJs between the warring promotional factions. back to the DJ, Chase is most definately not your favorite DJ's favorite DJ's. I will give no more details.
Plus Inner Circle parties are too much work and planning. females need to take a half day from work to get ready on time. hell, you need to get dressed immediately after the Cleaver's dinnertime to assure that you get in before 11.
i have been a few places in my life and paying $a minimum $20 cover to get snide looks by overrated women,is not worth it. not that all women in qc are like that, but i have seen a plethora of women at clubs that i would sweat. but never in charlotte. so i am not going to start now, unfortunately its too late in the game. i see a lot of pretty women, worth persuing but the overrall level of snottieness is very disheartening.
yeah, i dont cringe when i read the front page of the Charlotte Observer, ever. will your nose be in the air in the unemployment line. i digressed, please forgive. so next time that i dont attend, dont worry. i'd rather waste my time downloading pinky on zshare. that will be a much more rewarding Friday night on Quentin St.
The Rematch
i demand a rematch!!!!! i seek to avenge my loss of 2004. i feel like any fighter with a blemished record, seeking to regain credibility. that performance was the worst by far. she pummelled me thoroughly both in and out of the ring. it began with the subtle mind games. i had no answers, no defense, nor adjustments. i wish i could have fired my coach and trainer (both id and ego) they did not prepare me at all, once the fight began, the victory was already hers. it was a first round knockout like tyson vs. that white irish guy with the pizza hut commercial, yeah remember that. already knocked out, the self-doubt and fears kept me down well after the referee's count. intimidated and lost, i was defenseless.
like any fighter, i went back in the gym. and a new fighter was born. this time more aggressive, more clever, and most of all more confident. coming from such a low, up was the only way to go. heavy bag intervals, battering sparring partners, more rounds, Rocky one armed pushups and chicken chasing (RIP Mickey), military style burpees like Nuestra Familia in Folsom (Myk that was for you, lol). this fighter even has a new style, brawlin, no holds barred. i commit eye gouges and eye rakes, suplexes, piledrivers, titty twisters, hell wet willies, i observe few rules.
so with new resolve, i am cumming for you. get ready to tangle with a new beast.
i have worn out my boxing/pugilistic references, note this blog pertains to someone different than the throwing in the towel post.
like any fighter, i went back in the gym. and a new fighter was born. this time more aggressive, more clever, and most of all more confident. coming from such a low, up was the only way to go. heavy bag intervals, battering sparring partners, more rounds, Rocky one armed pushups and chicken chasing (RIP Mickey), military style burpees like Nuestra Familia in Folsom (Myk that was for you, lol). this fighter even has a new style, brawlin, no holds barred. i commit eye gouges and eye rakes, suplexes, piledrivers, titty twisters, hell wet willies, i observe few rules.
so with new resolve, i am cumming for you. get ready to tangle with a new beast.
i have worn out my boxing/pugilistic references, note this blog pertains to someone different than the throwing in the towel post.
one-arm pushups,
this needs to be said
i have been misleading people concerning a few topics, and i wish to clarify. in regards to love, relationships and family i have created a reputation for myself which is not entirely truthful. . let me repeat, i am not a scorned, bitter man, who desires to live a cold lonely life. please forgive me for putting that in your heads.
i want to dispell this thoroughly and succintly. i am a product of still married, functional, middle class family. amongst my immediate family we all have good, healthy, productive relationships. and i credit them for all that is good about me.
that being said, i will not accept anything less for my life and family. there is no other option. therefore, i take marriage and family very serious. serious enough that i am brutally honest with myself and any woman that i date. i do not compromise my feelings nor desires. so you can see how this does not make things easy for on the dating scene. smart money is betting that i have a few more bachelor years ahead of me.
now this is complicated my stingy emotional state. its easy to share my time, some effort, but my emotions are very much tucked away. unfortunately i get emotional at the same pace that some public officials get re-elected. and time is catching up with me, so are years of foraging and scavenging.
all those things aforementioned compromise, me Omar Rashad of Orr. daily i search for hope while livng in reality. at times i feel the odds are not in my favor thus a very intelligent yet pessimistic diatribe i frequently spew from my lips. please forgive. that was my reality. i am sure that when things changes, i will sing a different tune, please stay tuned...............................
i want to dispell this thoroughly and succintly. i am a product of still married, functional, middle class family. amongst my immediate family we all have good, healthy, productive relationships. and i credit them for all that is good about me.
that being said, i will not accept anything less for my life and family. there is no other option. therefore, i take marriage and family very serious. serious enough that i am brutally honest with myself and any woman that i date. i do not compromise my feelings nor desires. so you can see how this does not make things easy for on the dating scene. smart money is betting that i have a few more bachelor years ahead of me.
now this is complicated my stingy emotional state. its easy to share my time, some effort, but my emotions are very much tucked away. unfortunately i get emotional at the same pace that some public officials get re-elected. and time is catching up with me, so are years of foraging and scavenging.
all those things aforementioned compromise, me Omar Rashad of Orr. daily i search for hope while livng in reality. at times i feel the odds are not in my favor thus a very intelligent yet pessimistic diatribe i frequently spew from my lips. please forgive. that was my reality. i am sure that when things changes, i will sing a different tune, please stay tuned...............................
This is absurd
its barely june and a weekend of 100 degree weather. why are we being punished??!!! to make things better the living room a/c unit went down last week. the a/c in the jetta went down yesterday. its not looking good for the kid.
i think ill put a kiddie pool in the living room and add a few bags of ice. then ill work on my wardrobe. i see a roman wardrobe. homemade togas, B.C. sandals and tighty whiteys cause ill be washing clothes every other day.
heat like this incites violence. heat and malt liquor spiked the murder rate in the 90's. and riots, you saw Do the Right Thing. don't smudge someone's new jordan's or pumas, it could be fatal. i'm on edge as we speak.
something has got to give.
stay cool, lol, better yet non-violent and tap your native american roots doing a rain dance.
i think ill put a kiddie pool in the living room and add a few bags of ice. then ill work on my wardrobe. i see a roman wardrobe. homemade togas, B.C. sandals and tighty whiteys cause ill be washing clothes every other day.
heat like this incites violence. heat and malt liquor spiked the murder rate in the 90's. and riots, you saw Do the Right Thing. don't smudge someone's new jordan's or pumas, it could be fatal. i'm on edge as we speak.
something has got to give.
stay cool, lol, better yet non-violent and tap your native american roots doing a rain dance.
also shameful
is this the future of hip hop? coconut juice, are you serious? catchy hooks, watered down beats, and lame mc's with misguided swagger. this is like some 96.1 rap, black characters yet easily danced to by teenage blondes. this might be the worst of the worst.
Lakers vs. Celtics
Come on, we are talking running hooks and Big Game James, the pride of Gastonia
NBA Action is Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is totally nostagic, '87 reminds me of so many things:
Gumby fades and British Knights
Thundercats, GI Jose and Transformers
Pegged BMX bikes and coach pitch baseball
Playing in the pool till i was crunchy black and exhausted
Countless hours of Sade and Anita Baker en route to Grandma's house
Being the diaper genie, before the "Diaper Genie"
Space Invaders and Frogger on Atari
Department of Defense Schools and the horrid Ms. Ruth
Fighting at recess in the teatherball line
Riding the Screaming Eagle in repetition at Six Flags over Missouri with Papa Doc ('preciate it pops), on the last day of the season
WOW!!! amazing times.........................hope the series can live up to the memories
throwing in the towel
thats me in the white trunks with yellow trim, getting knocked out. again and again. but in my case i am not lucky enough to have a referee, trainer, cutman, state appointed dr, or gaming commission to throw in the towel for me. i have to do it myself. but i dont want to end up like apollo creed in rocky iv. not a good look.
instead of foreman's punishing blows, her weapon of choice is the tight vice of the silent treatment. nothing attacks my ego and pride more than silence and an occassional misdirection. when my pride gets away from me, i clench down upon an idea like a hyenna at a feeding frenzy. and thats exactly what i have been doing for the last two years. holding out hope.
the non-returned calls, the false hopes, the wasted daydreams, being stood up multiple times, each sting like those powerful foreman blows. and like frazier, each time i got up and keep coming in for more. hoping that with the right opportunity i could will my way into victory.
but i could not get over the disgenuiness. all you had to do was open your mouth. i thought we had opened up the communications lines to make our future better than our past.
i have been backed up on the ropes for sometime now. hands high trying to avoid another temple shot. ribs sore, eye puffy, nothing but pride has kept me up this long. taking anymore blows is just not worth it anymore. no mas, no mas......
love tko,
no mas,
throwing in the towel
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