i waited in a russian bread line tonight. the icy siberian plane was replaced with a windy early fall night off Sugar Creek and the bread was replaced with pricy Shell oil. it was a 2 hours and $44 later,i guess i should be happy. to the contrary, i know only that i will be able to make it work for the next few days before repeating the adventure. yes it was an adventure. police dispatched traffic, tempers rose steadily, our money escaped our grasp quickly, and in a far away lands a people smile as more billions enter their bank accounts.
isnt this the USA, where greed is good. isnt this the place where our desires are put so high above any one elses' needs. where all of our luxuries are taken for granted to the point that we look down on all peoples' who are less fortunate. how ironic is it that we wait in andaconda like gas lines like communists waiting for bread, security and all. and yet, we have gas lines like the old Communist bread lines i remember seeing on the news in the 80's. this is so un-american.
we gotta get our shit together.
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