I repeat, curry is not a fragrance. if you look past Polo, Kenneth Cole, Sean Jean, Dolce and Gabana in favor of that fresh curry scent, you are really fucking up. i There is no other way to say it. and it must be a unisex cologne too. maybe you will find it beside Calvin Klein's One at Perfumania.
And its bad when you just casually pass somebody in the aisle and one breath later you are suffocating. It sometimes jumps across the counter at me. And even worse, it lingers in the air and ambushes you when you walk into its smoke screen. but the worst i when it beams from one's breath. the long arm of curry breath is a force to be reconed with. i think i teared up once or twice due to it.
Ten to twenties times a week I am subjected to this. I try my best to avoid any extended conversations with any one who fits the description as a wearer of this cologne.
i understand that curry is a staple in the diet of some ethnic groups, but if i walked around smelling like freshly fried westside chicken, somebody would be blogging about me. that scent is hideous when out of place too.
so i repeat curry is not a fragrance.
i cant even eat curry anymore. no more jamaican curry goat. no indian restaurants or food, under no circumstances. i couldnt live with myself, if i became the nest harbinger of that wicked smell.
so when you decide to leave the house, check for your keys, wallet, ID, etc, but be sure to leave that damen curry alone. its one smell thats best not shared.
hmm, maybe i mispoke, i think that Vietnamese meal I had the other day had curry, but I didnt not smuggle it out of the restaruant.
"i understand that curry is a staple in the diet of some ethnic groups, but if i walked around smelling like freshly fried westside chicken, somebody would be blogging about me."
~ YO! Tell em why you mad son!!!
This just slayed, melted, and chopped me into small parts! I am dead dead dead off this!! LOL LOL LOL! *dead!
I SOOOOOOOO Understand!
Dude! I Dont mean to stalk your blog but I have read this 8 times and each time I find something to get weak off of, for instance....
"if you look past Polo, Kenneth Cole, Sean Jean, Dolce and Gabana in favor of that fresh curry scent, you are really fucking up."
I was just having this conversation Monday about someone I know who always smells "spicy" that scent will KILL YOU!!
You dont understand how much this made my day!~
o.k. Im done....
thank you, thank you so much. i didnt even take it like that. it took me two weeks to write this one. so i am glad that someone is enjoying it.
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