I'm shopping this season, but not for the holidays. Being single during the winter sucks so I gotta a winter boo. these cold nights ain't cutting it. going out has lost its luster for the season. Xmas and my b-day is on the horizon, two days that i don't get excited about. the weather is not inviting. that leaves me no choice, but to get a winter boo. Nothing too serious or life changing, just a steady dose of company and body heat. enough to cope with the semi-hibernation i am about to undertake.
so if you are single, attractive and lil' cold and lonely this winter. why dont you go ahead and drop me a line. i'm chocolate, handsome, drug, disease and drama free. i got good convo and, well......that might be a little too much info. serious requests only, hit me up.
frq signing out.
p.s. winter is so needless. short days, frost, heating up your car before you leave. and seriously how are you gonna see my tshirt with this coat on. i'm counting down the days till spring.
did i mention absurd Piedmont Natural Gas bills, damn!!!
Winter Boo?
People still do that?
like the title says, desperate times. yeah its a throwback idea, but just cause the idea is old, it is very much still relevant.
did you write this for me?...i feel the exact same way! it's kinda depressing on my end. sigh...
nice blog i'll be back! :)
sexxy luv, i guess you would need that in minnesota. i didn't know they make them like you up there.
i was just having this same thought an hour before I came across your blog (very interesting btw). great minds think alike eh? too bad you arent in the dc metro area :(
damn, i knew i should have moved to DC, when i had the chance. maybe i could be running up your heating bill instead of mine. thanks for reading ;)
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