
it was just that simple

so it took a lame duck president with one of the lowest approval rates in history, a monumental economic crisis where people are losing their homes at incredible rates, and an energy crisis, where gas will damn near double at least once a year and you better hope there is no hiccup or OPEC gets angry and you cannot get off the highway exit cause the racetrack on sugar creek is the only station with gas in a surrounding 5 miles or so. we are engaged in a war based on a stretched truth. where the objective has eluded us for what 6 years now. one day i will write a dissertation about how we will never be truly victorious against Asians in war(i will get an honorary Ph.D. for that)

plus another lame, election campaign by the Republicans. i guess it could be kinda hard to do more than incessantly attack your opponent cause you have no agenda other than padding your friends' pockets. and you still try to sell that Reaganomics (trickle down effect) to us.

it took all of that to make whites vote for a black man.

miracles do happen, we are all witnesses.

1 comment:

Sexxy Luv said...

it's a shame that Obama has to come in and clean up but i think he can get it done as long as his supports stand behind him.