1. my brother is my best friend. although there are 7 years between us, the age difference in our behavior is diminishing daily. he might be the older brother soon. im not fully grown yet. i still have some youth to burn
2. i was a military brat, growing up in Maryland, California, Illinois, Alabama and North Carolina. moving when i was young has made it hard to stay still in all situations. i embrace change too easily
3. i speak Spanish fluently, but have been neglecting it for the last 2.5 years. don't trip i still got it. i have to dust it off every so often and pat myself on the back each time. and i do very much enjoy dirty talk in espanol. yeah buddy!!!
4. i didn't post this on facebook because i have a little cousin, whom i didn't want to see this. yeah i plan for this to get a little juicier in a lil' bit. hey, its good to have one person in this world who looks up to you
5. besides, family and friends, about the only thing i will fight over is anyone disrespecting or doubting DJ Premiere as the ultimate hip-hop producer way shape or form. if you don't know who he is look him up
6. i talk to maybe 5 people i went to college with although i still live in the same city. the whole notion of the Brat Pack/St. Elsewhere type relationships really sickens me. when i get around too many of them i feel out of place and very underwhelmed. thats why i you may not have seen me over the last 2 plus years. its business never personnal, is what myk would say
7. i have never fallen in love with a woman who was in love with me at the same time. not saying that they never were, but bad timing is a bitch
8. i dream of retiring to Costa Rica, especially if i never have kids
9. at 29, i really do not see myself married. i close my eyes and the picture is very fuzzy. i tell my mom that i will move to the west coast if the family ever begins to pressure me
10. i lost my virginity in the backseat of my first car at Freedom Park. i still crack a wide smile every time i pass it
11. i got fetish for dimples, freckles, natural hair(yet still long enough to pull)
12. i wonder how it feels to have a job that you love. work is a necessary evil in life. it funds all the things i enjoy
13. i have a motorcycle and have fallen few times. the actual number i wont disclose. but i never thought about giving it up. on accident, i hurt my foot and used a walker at work for two days until it felt better
14. my worst fear is to be that old lame dude at the club in 8 years. ladies, you know the one, no style, no game, no chance
15. i always root for the underdog and get my heartbroken numerous times, the Knicks and the John Starks debacle, the Titans 1 yard shy, Portland losing a 17pt lead in the 4th quarter, and even worse Robert Horry hitting that damn shot, i could go on and lose my good mood
16. i always know more than i show. i like to see people wallow in their own ignorance
17. i really hate talking about myself. this post is almost painful
18. i have a notoriously short attention span with women, one of my worst qualities
19. i think i like being misunderstood
20. misquoting me will raise my blood pressure. i am very sincere about what i say. misquoting me kills all that. and it irks me to no end when a friend of mine does that
21. if you are a woman and i wont argue with you, then you don't mean too much to me at all
22. I'd rather go to a concert and sweat thru my t shirt, get drunk two drinks at a time, and share it with the 80 who came to Amo's that night than go to any of these Buppy parties that spring up all over Charlotte. That stiff, uppity, crowd does not even warrant another shower specific to their overpriced, overhyped, mediocre occassion. i'd rather stay home and watch some free online streaming porn
23. i was depressed for over a year after i returned from studying abroad in Mexico. as i look back on it, i was real lame. there is no excuse to ever give up a year of your life unless you are in a coma. it took me that long to take my head out my ass
24. i am incapable of being subtle. its the reason most women get out of my life.
25. i am almost impervious to bad news. i get over almost everything in less than 36 hours, except for a lady in Greensboro who haunts my dreams every few months, and.......well thats the one
ok, i got one extra
26. i live in the present. my past is under lock and key in most cases. you would never that i was a track star in high school. i state and aau junior olympic medals in a non-descript box in my brother's old room at my parent's house. some know, but i never mention it. plus i am about 225lbs stout, so its not like it shows. but dont trip ladies, my gene pool is loaded. talk to me confidentially about stud rates.
27. i dated a married woman once. i think i liked the sneaking around and crossing lines. crazy enough i stumbled into her husband on facebook a few months back. in charlotte we are separated by only two degrees of separation.
you officially know too much about me

this is such a cheap laugh. but why? a shag? seriously a shag. i havent seen a shag like this since my cousin's wedding about 6 years ago. at least that guy could sing. his rendition of One in a Million was that fire. Kanye you use audiotune and have a stand-in for the high notes. i know you have been through a lot but get a grip!!!!
Movies You Must See
Slumdog Millionaire
Gran Torino
The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
I love the silence of the trailer.
Sorry Notorious isnt on the list. I really hate to disappoint. I know its trifin but when you already know the ending its kinda hard to get excited about it. plus i cant support Puffy under any circumstances. I heard he was all over this movie as a character and a great contributor. When is he gonna stop riding Biggie's dick. you are irrelevant, i hope the world finally figures it out.
Gran Torino
The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons
I love the silence of the trailer.
Sorry Notorious isnt on the list. I really hate to disappoint. I know its trifin but when you already know the ending its kinda hard to get excited about it. plus i cant support Puffy under any circumstances. I heard he was all over this movie as a character and a great contributor. When is he gonna stop riding Biggie's dick. you are irrelevant, i hope the world finally figures it out.
Follow Obama's Lead

We gotta do better. Seriously, we have a black President. WE can be CLASSY and succeed. Those words ring truer now than ever.
So when I see this coonery times everyday, i get disgusted. Would you ever get your taxes by these clowns? I wouldn't under no circumstances. Bad taste permeates through all things. A yatch, bikini waitresses, those 2008 Miami Vice suits, and i cant forget the hideous Soulja Boy beat and references. i bet they got those suits from Holloway's of N. Tryon. Buy the suit get the left Gator free. And who are they marketing to, 16 years olds who just got their W-2s from Chik-filA. If you are an adult and are a Soulja Boy fan, you should crawl into the first uterus that is your size. You have been grossly miseducated and need to be reprogrammed. Damn, where is your dignity. Real shameful shit.

these are the two most influential albums in my life. they have shaped me into the music lover i am. Gangstarr's Daily Operation was a seminal work that introduced me into the underground sound of the Golden Age of Hip-hop. From Guru's smooth delivery accompanied with Premiere's sampling genius. it transformed an impressionable young black child. every album i have bought since, is because of this album. it took me away from some of the miscreant work, if you have been following the blog, you may be familiar with the Misinfluence of Video Jukebox post. Guru and Premiere lead me away from all that foolishness and never allowed me to look back.

isaac hayes' To Be Continued is the second most influential album to me. a deep love for soul music was ignited laying on the floor in the living room. my parents non-mint condition LP was the muse. 'til this day i search for the soul in any type of music. latin, percussion, broken beat, afro-beat, and genres that i cant identify, the soul is what reels me in. seriously i am passionate about that. this is why, i am very particular about the music that i can bear. not even like. when you feel the venom of my words when i speak of wack music worldwide its Isaac's fault. when you take in his mastery the bar is definitely elevated to where few can reach.
now, the most influential non-buys of my life, Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. despite the popularity and inescapable songs, i had a gut feeling. my boy, JR he bit and bought them both. he even had those patent leather shoes. i wanted a pair of those pants, im glad moms wasn't standing for that bullshit.
what are the most influential artists of albums of your life?
I had a crush on a Steelers Fan

i know this what you envision when you think of a Steelers fan. Blue collar, hardworking, commoner, 250 plus beer guzzling, hairy chested. not a pretty picture, but give me a little more credit than that. i have made bad female decisions, but even i have to draw the line. last month, i was in atl with the B.B.E. and we watched the Steelers v. Cowboys game at some fancy bowling alley that my man put us on to. so we were in the lounge and at the table across from us was a collection of Steelers and Cowboy fans. Amongst them was a cutie. Petite, sassy, and the most die hard Steelers fan ever. She was upset at the refs, gloating, waving her Terrible Towel and talking big time shit. and as the game moved on, she just became mesmerizing. as i looked at her i had visions of a lifetime of tailgating. i had on my throwback Greg Lloyd jersey. I was on the grill in a makeshift tent in the parking lot, throwing down. i had on thermals and foot warmers with a stout drink in my hand. and we even had three kids, equipped in full Steelers gear. skull caps with that damn fuzzy ball at the top, jerseys and the Tomlin like Bubblegoose. A great life it will be. at the tail end, i was even arguing the merits of the 3-4 defense and how Bradshaw is one of the top 5 quarterbacks ever. very much out of character. stranger things can happen.
all of my allegiance to the hometown panthers was in serious jeopardy.
Get On the Bus
i guess i am overwhelmed by the upcoming , inauguration. i know people traveling to dc by planes, trains,skateboards, scooters and hoverounds just for this historic event which made me think of the last time such a wave of darkness descended on DC and the following clip. Big Shout out to pdheartbreak of youtube for posting this. i really 'preciate it.
Between Evan Sr and Pop, they tore the bus down
since i cant go, i feel its only right that i leave with a verse expressing my dismay.
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
My name is "O"
And I can't go
No off time plus
I'm low on dough
Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Between Evan Sr and Pop, they tore the bus down
since i cant go, i feel its only right that i leave with a verse expressing my dismay.
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
My name is "O"
And I can't go
No off time plus
I'm low on dough
Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Shabuya, Sha-Sha-Shabuya Roll Call
Searchin' Again

so y'all read my winter boo blog. i had a strong possible, but thats a dead issue. but now the situation is dire. its about to be bone chilling cold. like single digits at night over the weekend. and the dynamics have changed so i have some more specific requirements. i was transferred to a new location. so now, i am looking for a lovely woman with a stellar heating system who lives close to either I-77 south of downtown, the southern segment of 485, or anywhere in south Charlotte. Hit me up soon, we have little time to waste with formalities. its gonna be in the single digits overnight this weekend. and i need the body heat as much as you do. my bag is packed and my manners are in check, at least temporarily. we can make this work till springtime.
you know where to find me.
Damn, wish I was going
i would be out there gettin' it. forget all that inauguration balls and black tie events. rubbbin' shoulders with the upper crust or their die-hard wannabees. i'd bypass all of that for the following event on the 19th.
*WONDER-Full -Stevie Wonder Tribute Party -& WHAT THE FUNK?! -James Brown vs. Fela ~ Inauguration Edition @ LIV Nightclub, 8PM- 2AM is Stevie, 2AM- 6AM is James vs. Fela. Crazy!!
(Not Black tie, this is a straight up dance party)
dc, knows how to get it!!!!
*WONDER-Full -Stevie Wonder Tribute Party -& WHAT THE FUNK?! -James Brown vs. Fela ~ Inauguration Edition @ LIV Nightclub, 8PM- 2AM is Stevie, 2AM- 6AM is James vs. Fela. Crazy!!
(Not Black tie, this is a straight up dance party)
dc, knows how to get it!!!!
The Inauguration Smorgasbord
the inauguration is next week. i wont be there, but honestly, i am not ready for that many negroes at once. millions of us, in DC which is already the Chocolate City. I just hope we hold ourselves to higher standard. hopefully no Source Awards type foolishness ensues.
but i am sorry that i am missing out on all of the lovely chocolate ladies out there. if you are single this should be the big come up. the law of averages is most definitely in your favor. if you don't meet at least 15 new interests, you are lame. i say interests cause many of them wont amount to shit for some reason or another. as a semi-attractive woman that number should be doubled. you are gonna stumble into them. whenever you turn around you will see somebody attractive. hell,roll down the window while you are stuck in traffic any major road. tug an elbow on the METRO. if you are shy, pack that shit up for the days in DC. if you still cant find anybody that peaks your interest at all, check yourself for a pulse, cause you have no excuse.
but i am sorry that i am missing out on all of the lovely chocolate ladies out there. if you are single this should be the big come up. the law of averages is most definitely in your favor. if you don't meet at least 15 new interests, you are lame. i say interests cause many of them wont amount to shit for some reason or another. as a semi-attractive woman that number should be doubled. you are gonna stumble into them. whenever you turn around you will see somebody attractive. hell,roll down the window while you are stuck in traffic any major road. tug an elbow on the METRO. if you are shy, pack that shit up for the days in DC. if you still cant find anybody that peaks your interest at all, check yourself for a pulse, cause you have no excuse.
The Recession hits home
The recession is in full effect if you didnt know. The news is getting scarier every day. i have friends that have been laid off or are somewhat anticipating getting laid off. they canned some old-timers at my job. they are giving early retirement packages to old-time corporate personnel and even District Managers. So I can only guess that it will effect me sometime soon. Mostly likely just a rollback of my hours. if the creditors will rollback my expenses i wont have too much of a problem. but i wont hold my breath about that.
but the biggest blow to date was Addie's Jamaican Restaurant. Addie's was my premier date spot back when i was trickin'(2005-2006) It was quaint, intimate, and relatively cheap. Plus, its was an unknown gem. i took a few dates there consecutively. I think the staff, kinda took notice too. like when they looked at me with familiarity but my carousel of dates with confusion. they never outed me, so i am eternally grateful. Addie's got the mood started and all i had to do was steer the ship back to my place.
i haven't been there in almost three years now. all that trickin' got old quick. actually, i had been hoping i had someone of the proper caliber and potential to take to a place that i love so much. i am sad, it didn't happen.
RIP Addie's, it is sad to see you go.
but the biggest blow to date was Addie's Jamaican Restaurant. Addie's was my premier date spot back when i was trickin'(2005-2006) It was quaint, intimate, and relatively cheap. Plus, its was an unknown gem. i took a few dates there consecutively. I think the staff, kinda took notice too. like when they looked at me with familiarity but my carousel of dates with confusion. they never outed me, so i am eternally grateful. Addie's got the mood started and all i had to do was steer the ship back to my place.
i haven't been there in almost three years now. all that trickin' got old quick. actually, i had been hoping i had someone of the proper caliber and potential to take to a place that i love so much. i am sad, it didn't happen.
RIP Addie's, it is sad to see you go.
Rollin the dice in '09

if you read the blog, you may already know about my winter blues. i was talking with apex and the great epiphany hit me, us. i have been settling. not settling down, like many my age, but accepting less than what is acceptable. i have been settling for the affordability and comfort of charlotte. yet i know that bigger and better things await me in this life.
i am gambling this year, in all areas. i will let you know when i get some results, i am tired of all the wolf tickets i have been selling over the years.
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