
Rollin the dice in '09

if you read the blog, you may already know about my winter blues. i was talking with apex and the great epiphany hit me, us. i have been settling. not settling down, like many my age, but accepting less than what is acceptable. i have been settling for the affordability and comfort of charlotte. yet i know that bigger and better things await me in this life.

i am gambling this year, in all areas. i will let you know when i get some results, i am tired of all the wolf tickets i have been selling over the years.


Meesh The Great said...

i know your not leaving walgreens...thy have such great lotion

Sexxy Luv said...

this is exactly why i'm still single & counting!!!! lol

check me out over at my spot when you get a minute. :)

♥ CG ♥ said...

I definitely understand what you mean. I was hit with reality late last year and my first thought was "dang, what took so friggin' long for me to get fed up and into action?" I guess better late than never applies. A bunch of us are on a mission to do a 180 and head towards true happiness and success. Best wishes in '09!

Few Redeeming Qualities.... said...

meesh, we dont allow hatin' at FRQ. this is your first and final warning.