This is to the New Year
New beginnings is what we all need. Whether personal, professional, emotional, or otherwise. Lets look forward to gettin' it tight in '09.
ps, i really wanted to spill names and tell stories but i will refrain.
i hope you get it right, this time around.
Its Open Season
Boykrew Anthems
?myk, this is another fitting anthem for us. last night this chick kept saying, that we ain't shit. cuttin up as usual. we might need to change the name to the I'll Bee Dat Krew.
Obama strikes again

i heard my people talking about this the other day on OmariSpeaks, you can check them out at http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/21779. check in live tuesday nights at pm, or the site to listen to their previous episodes. it got me thinking.
i look up to Obama for so many reasons. he inspires me on so many levels. amongst so many other things, the president elect has been hitting the gym hard. seriously, have you ever seen a president shirtless on the beach and anyone gave a damn. i just might need to limit myself to one serving of pie tomorrow. but i gotta step my game up. if a 40 something, president-elect who has been traveling almost daily for the last two years can look like that, i can wake my lazy ass up and hit the gym either before or after work at least 3 times a week. i can trim these twenty pounds that plague me at every photo opportunity. seriously, obama is raising the bar once again. brothas, we are running out of excuses everyday. big thangs, are coming happening over these next four plus years(wishful thinking), i gotta get ready to ride the wave.
sorry no pics of the president-elect chest naked.
Dedication to Jamaal and Sunny
on this christmas i must express myself fully. this is for my dear friends jamaal and sunny. i caught you on a lunch date last yesterday. my untimely phone call, unraveled it all. and to make things worse, eating Ethiopian food. that was like a twist of the shank in the kidney. now, sunny, i don't have jurisdiction over you. and we are all just friends. but i was little jealous. take it with a grain of salt, if you want to. TGIF Fridays, i could deal with, but ethnic food is my shit. so i dedicate this next song to y'all.
The Rain - Oran "Juice" Jones
just like the "Juice" i was ready to pull a rambo, but i had to go to work anyway. but i am putting y'all on notice. beware!!!!
The Rain - Oran "Juice" Jones
just like the "Juice" i was ready to pull a rambo, but i had to go to work anyway. but i am putting y'all on notice. beware!!!!
That what i rang up at another COINSTAR adventure on the Westside. I do regret (in a way) that it was not an adventure this time. No unusual characters or absurd sightings. So i really hate to disappoint. And thanks to the nice but unshapely cashier you who bumped me ahead of 3 customers to make my experience also very
timely. damn, i thought a i had another classic coming to you.
today, there was one lone violator. his haircut reminded me of the lead rapper in the following video.
remember this video. i will get back to it later. please believe.
timely. damn, i thought a i had another classic coming to you.
today, there was one lone violator. his haircut reminded me of the lead rapper in the following video.
remember this video. i will get back to it later. please believe.
Shamefull again
this is coonery, r&b is at a low place. crazy enough, i have met this guy before. about 5 years ago, he was the extra roommate of an old friend of mine in ATL. he was the slack ass with no job, income, nor responsibility who slept on their couch for months, waiting for his record deal to go through. he is was in another generic r&b, group that makes videos like this commercial called N2U. good luck too him.
its been a while
but i got another classic for you. by dj premier, do i need to say any more. plus i am sick, seriously. i was beginning to think that i was invicible. yeah, i exaggerated but you know what i mean.
I am looking for you
I had the time of my life......

God protects children and fools, we were definitely not children this weekend. the Bad Behavior Expressed rolled through ATL this weekend and a great time was had by all. Thanks to all who contributed to this, Immo, Jamaal, lil' bro, Nigel (our savior), EJ, and Terry. And a special shout out to any of the lovely ladies whom i harassed, wrangled, on the way to or from the 1st floor bathroom at Sugar Hill on Sat. Almost forgot, Nicolay and Phonte of the Foreign for providing the weekend's soundtrack and a venue for all of the bad behavior that ensued.
Happy Birthday to ME
Happy Bday to Me
All i want for this bday, my 29th is....................................

singing this song.....................
thats not much at all..................
so if you can hook that up please do. i will be there asap, as soon as drink a stout glass of my potency elixer, Hennessey in the green bottle. I will let that sit for about twenty minutes and it should work just like Wesley Pipes told me it should.
All i want for this bday, my 29th is....................................

singing this song.....................
thats not much at all..................
so if you can hook that up please do. i will be there asap, as soon as drink a stout glass of my potency elixer, Hennessey in the green bottle. I will let that sit for about twenty minutes and it should work just like Wesley Pipes told me it should.
Winter Blues..........
my bday is tomorrow and this weekend will be the only bright spot of the month. from the day after thanksgiving to mlk, i get in an annual winter funk. first of all i am always broke. three years straight, something saps me dry even before i buy any xmas presents. car problems, traffic tickets and miscellaneous, it all runs together. then the xmas stress at work. the traffic, the lack of time off to actually enjoy the season. the grinch is emerging. but its nothing unusual. so i decided to take charge at least for my bday weekend. i am atl bound. the bad behavior express will be en route tomorrow. beware, beware
but this song, grounds me before i embark on my one weekend of pleasure this holiday season.
but this song, grounds me before i embark on my one weekend of pleasure this holiday season.
The Realest Rapper Ever
all his rhymes are, better yet were true. from the opening with the chest naps to those 4 bars in between the chorus.
thanks to youtube for keeping horrible videos in circulation. up next kobe bryant ft. tyra banks.....
Today just wasnt a good day. Despite having lunch with ?Myk and Steve, my day remained gloomy. this was just one day i wished i could have just slept through. tomorrow will be better.
this groove is the day's only bright spot.
this groove is the day's only bright spot.
i got this hand woven kufi from a friend of mine a few years ago. i like the kufi but every time i wear it i get this unsettled feeling. then i start smiling and laughing uncontrollably cause all i can think about is looking like Bobby Brown with the black Hebrews in Israel. looking like Bobby Brown is most definitely not a good look. i cant get with that gap toothed, can't get right, orchard park projects appeal

This I dedicate to the things I Hate
Hate is a strong word, but i gotta use it. I'll put these up in no particular order.
♠ late people, seriously respect my time. i wait for no one, seriously. 11:00 pm is 11:00 pm. I grant a 15 minute grace period and i drive there myself. especially if we are going out to eat, once again, feeding time at the zoo waits for no one. if you stall we can get up later for drinks instead.
♣strip clubs, i already did the the lost art of stripping, but seriously porn makes the strip club look like burlesque. as outdated as a rotary phone
♥group outings, it only takes 1 too many niggas to spoil the whole thang. and of course someone or ones will be on that c.p. time. more than three is a problem
♦excessive phone calls, its not really that important. i don't have that much important shit to say. especially if we aren't dating. let me call you back, wouldn't that be a groundbreaking idea
♀ people who are not comfortable with themselves. yeah i said it. insecurity manifests itself in many different ways. i am grown man. i could care less about your car, clothes, the women you date, your money, who you know ,or how much you feel yourself. my approval means relatively little. if you are a friend of mine, its for reasons far beyond that. and if we aren't friends, why is my opinion important. cause on the flip side, i only give a pinhead's of a shit about your opinion. i was born alone, i'll die alone.....is what Nas said. i gotta be me, whether you like it or not. get off that some real bitchassness, and i really hate to quote Diddy.
♂ most artist's second album? enter name here___________, once the suits try to optimize sales by alienating original fans, you get blogged by FRQ in an unflattering manner
Ω tyrese, nelly, diddy, and a host of other overhyped and over the hill artists who would give their first born for a little buzz about their new records
∂ most of all Lil' Wayne. i like lil' wayne like an overdrawn bank account. common may soon join this list, yeah i said it.
۞ those clowns who wear suits to the club in charlotte, on an arbitrary Wednesday or Thursday. its not that serious. which one of your matriarchs gives you fashion advice, Aunt Ruth or Willie May. like is said before, thats not swagger. men without style lean on a suit to build them up. so grossly overdressing is the only way they stand out.
Θ parties in charlotte that hold the line, although the club is practically empty. thats real contrived like me dating only, 4'11" women so i can feel large and in control. real shameful shit, i must say
Ǽ boring pretty women. such a waste. after a few minutes i'd rather floss my teeth
What do you hate?
More to come, be on the lookout.
i leave you with the melodious sounds a personal favorite of mine, Lonnie Liston Smith
♠ late people, seriously respect my time. i wait for no one, seriously. 11:00 pm is 11:00 pm. I grant a 15 minute grace period and i drive there myself. especially if we are going out to eat, once again, feeding time at the zoo waits for no one. if you stall we can get up later for drinks instead.
♣strip clubs, i already did the the lost art of stripping, but seriously porn makes the strip club look like burlesque. as outdated as a rotary phone
♥group outings, it only takes 1 too many niggas to spoil the whole thang. and of course someone or ones will be on that c.p. time. more than three is a problem
♦excessive phone calls, its not really that important. i don't have that much important shit to say. especially if we aren't dating. let me call you back, wouldn't that be a groundbreaking idea
♀ people who are not comfortable with themselves. yeah i said it. insecurity manifests itself in many different ways. i am grown man. i could care less about your car, clothes, the women you date, your money, who you know ,or how much you feel yourself. my approval means relatively little. if you are a friend of mine, its for reasons far beyond that. and if we aren't friends, why is my opinion important. cause on the flip side, i only give a pinhead's of a shit about your opinion. i was born alone, i'll die alone.....is what Nas said. i gotta be me, whether you like it or not. get off that some real bitchassness, and i really hate to quote Diddy.
♂ most artist's second album? enter name here___________, once the suits try to optimize sales by alienating original fans, you get blogged by FRQ in an unflattering manner
Ω tyrese, nelly, diddy, and a host of other overhyped and over the hill artists who would give their first born for a little buzz about their new records
∂ most of all Lil' Wayne. i like lil' wayne like an overdrawn bank account. common may soon join this list, yeah i said it.
۞ those clowns who wear suits to the club in charlotte, on an arbitrary Wednesday or Thursday. its not that serious. which one of your matriarchs gives you fashion advice, Aunt Ruth or Willie May. like is said before, thats not swagger. men without style lean on a suit to build them up. so grossly overdressing is the only way they stand out.
Θ parties in charlotte that hold the line, although the club is practically empty. thats real contrived like me dating only, 4'11" women so i can feel large and in control. real shameful shit, i must say
Ǽ boring pretty women. such a waste. after a few minutes i'd rather floss my teeth
What do you hate?
More to come, be on the lookout.
i leave you with the melodious sounds a personal favorite of mine, Lonnie Liston Smith
'Preciate It...............
Turkey Hunt

yeah, the time has come. i must pull out my trusty shopping cart again. the winter boo search continues, but i have a more immediate need. i need to crash somebody's Thanksgiving celebration. unfortunately, all of my loved ones will be between Philly-Delaware-Maryland, where they will congregate and fellowship and I will be alone in Charlotte because I have to work. Yep, that damn thing called work strikes again. so if you are in a 100 mile radius of Charlotte, NC and can take another Thanksgiving guest, please let me know. Now I warn you, that I will curb my behavior, but I cannot promise that i will be a mousy and most mannerable guest. i will keep all of my vulgarities to myself and eat like no one is going to take my food from my. i will stack my plate high and cut a fool for anyone who decides to be my audience, seriously. and i do request to see all embarrassing pictures and will pester your grandma or auntie for any embarrassing stories they have.
so if you have a spare seat an some heapings to spare, let me know.

its about to be 22 degrees tonight. wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not even thanksgiving.
cant stand the winter. the cold, frost, the wind, ugghhh. winter is like three months of punishment. even in north carolina. i mean it doesnt stay cold indefinately during our winters but people act like it. everyone acts sick and shut in. only leaving for necessities and work. there is no vibrance in the winter. my hatred is so deep that after thanksgiving, i usually fall in a funky reclusive mood. yes all through both my birthday (on dec. 6 a chocolate saggitarian child was born) and xmas. now i know why i get grinchy for christmas, but i must keep that one to myself. yeah, i had to get stingy with ya. and then to cap it off with that commercial creation, valentines day. seriously, valentine's is like getting your prostate checked, just one of the necessary evils in life..........
........... but this year i am taking matters in my own hands. on my bday, i will celebrate in Atlanta at the Foreign Exchange concert. and that is just the beginning. i gotta get it. maybe just maybe, i'll get something out of this winter. finally..........
this is just a parting gift since i am trying not to descend into another gloomy 3 months. this a sampler for the foreign exchange's Leave It All Behind. enjoy.
Border Control FRQ style

Since i love all my latino peoples, trust this has nothing to do with the US-Mexico Border or immigration. This is all about FRQ
i'm closing my borders. no entry. i have no choice, seriously. you don't understand me. you ever have a guess at your home and within the first 30 minutes they become unwelcome. yes, unwelcome. no, i am not talking about that uncouth person who came by during the drought of 2006. nor the person who gets too comfortable all of a sudden, like so you are just gonna leave that plate on the floor.? and you dogged all of the juice. nor my personal favorite, "she came out of the kitchen, with megabowl in hand, filled to the brim with Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries. and i responded, did she eat with a big serving spoon too. pleas forgive me, i have digressed like always.
i am talking about someone who likes you yet you dont feel quite the same. and it doesnt become evident until they come to your house. now sometimes you dont know this upon their arrival. if you read this, you can assume that i step away from the norm. needless to say, my house reflects that. i have books, magazines, pictures, cd's, albums etc, that express all of my diverse interests. so at times, i have an unlucky guest who gets so enthralled in me and all my curiousities. now, this should be a good thing. oh and at times it is. but with the last batch of women i have met over the last two years, it has been all bad. this home visit is usually the kiss of death for them. as they plunge deeper and into me, the disparity widens and widens. i try to mask my growing contempt as they question and the excitement grows in their eyes. sometimes they even get giddy.
for the time being, i am reinforcing the wall that keeps you from my house. its going deeper and higher like the US-Mexico Border. i am steeping up overlapping patrols and putting more munitions to keep you out. sorry but i have no choice.
and the one line that will get you permanently banished from Quentin Street, is when are you gonna cook for me? just because I have a few cookbooks, in no way entitles you to dine at my house. nor should you think that i will cook for you. that has to be earned. seriously, do you know how many stray women i could seduce by cooking something new or different? you gotta earn that sweetie. i shouldn't even say that. you need to be the chosen one, like a golden child or something. i know i want some of that bad bush but i can't come off of that. i gotta like myself afterward, and that sinks the ship. every man has a code, standards, something.
plus i live in an old house. the kitchen is isolated and retains all heat. at times i want to cook with only an apron and boxers. and thats not quite sanitary. once again, you must retain some standards.
Women I love...............Roselyn Sanchez

i usually don't like my ladies this slim, but i gladly make exceptions. she has been doing a number on me since Rush Hour 2. she is the reason men try to hold up their local Bank of America and flee by foot. you gotta make a way to that. just if you escape, you might get a whiff. just might. i keep hope alive........
In QC, Wednesdays are King
This post is two weeks late, but i owe it to you and them.
...in Charlotte, I enjoy myself 5x more on Wed than any other day. its so great but on the otherhand very shameful. i went to apostrophe and dem fresh katz. dj justice and dj enlil aka ninja science bka fraser, tore the house down. across all relevant genres, they kept the party moving. but they sprinkled two tracks that shock me to the core, which i share with you.
first a hidden banger from Diamond D and the Psyschotic Neurotics
I Went for Mine from '92's Stunts, Blunts, and Hip-Hop
and last, morning sunrise from Weldon Irvine, another lesser known classic
...in Charlotte, I enjoy myself 5x more on Wed than any other day. its so great but on the otherhand very shameful. i went to apostrophe and dem fresh katz. dj justice and dj enlil aka ninja science bka fraser, tore the house down. across all relevant genres, they kept the party moving. but they sprinkled two tracks that shock me to the core, which i share with you.
first a hidden banger from Diamond D and the Psyschotic Neurotics
I Went for Mine from '92's Stunts, Blunts, and Hip-Hop
and last, morning sunrise from Weldon Irvine, another lesser known classic
i went for mine,
morning sunrise
it was just that simple
so it took a lame duck president with one of the lowest approval rates in history, a monumental economic crisis where people are losing their homes at incredible rates, and an energy crisis, where gas will damn near double at least once a year and you better hope there is no hiccup or OPEC gets angry and you cannot get off the highway exit cause the racetrack on sugar creek is the only station with gas in a surrounding 5 miles or so. we are engaged in a war based on a stretched truth. where the objective has eluded us for what 6 years now. one day i will write a dissertation about how we will never be truly victorious against Asians in war(i will get an honorary Ph.D. for that)
plus another lame, election campaign by the Republicans. i guess it could be kinda hard to do more than incessantly attack your opponent cause you have no agenda other than padding your friends' pockets. and you still try to sell that Reaganomics (trickle down effect) to us.
it took all of that to make whites vote for a black man.
miracles do happen, we are all witnesses.
plus another lame, election campaign by the Republicans. i guess it could be kinda hard to do more than incessantly attack your opponent cause you have no agenda other than padding your friends' pockets. and you still try to sell that Reaganomics (trickle down effect) to us.
it took all of that to make whites vote for a black man.
miracles do happen, we are all witnesses.
Desperate Times

I'm shopping this season, but not for the holidays. Being single during the winter sucks so I gotta a winter boo. these cold nights ain't cutting it. going out has lost its luster for the season. Xmas and my b-day is on the horizon, two days that i don't get excited about. the weather is not inviting. that leaves me no choice, but to get a winter boo. Nothing too serious or life changing, just a steady dose of company and body heat. enough to cope with the semi-hibernation i am about to undertake.
so if you are single, attractive and lil' cold and lonely this winter. why dont you go ahead and drop me a line. i'm chocolate, handsome, drug, disease and drama free. i got good convo and, well......that might be a little too much info. serious requests only, hit me up.
frq signing out.
p.s. winter is so needless. short days, frost, heating up your car before you leave. and seriously how are you gonna see my tshirt with this coat on. i'm counting down the days till spring.
did i mention absurd Piedmont Natural Gas bills, damn!!!
Thank you

Thank the Lord for the lower gas prices. We(my brother and I) were so overjoyed that he posed with the gas pump. Crazy ain't it. From that absurd $2.39-$2.49 in Charlotte to the $1.95-$1.99 in South Carolina and Georgia. Its a lot better than that damn shortage we had a few months ago.
Lower gas prices=More money for all of my favorite vices.
A joyful day is coming......
......and its not the inauguration. i know that is what you were thinking. even better, i can finally release my father as a co-signer on one of those college loans. you don't know how much a relief this is. this company is the worst. on two occasions, i didn't keep my account current. first i shorted them about $7 dollars. the second time, my payment was 5 days late. they began calling my phone, my parents phone. they sent notices to my and my dad. so i called them and asked about their policies and was aghast. buddy told me that if you don't pay at least 99% of your monthly bill on time you automatically go into collections. what part of the game is that???? are they trying to get me killed. papa doc plays no games, especially since he forgot he was a co-signer until he got the unfortunate phone call. so he is raving mad, and i quell his anger with the facts. but the embarrassment it caused, still haunts me. so i just got on the phone with them and i am finally eligible to release him and the papers are in the mail.
sweet lord, i see the light!!!!!
when its final, i'm gonna have a party. i might be alone, drunk, doing the butterfly in my living room. but imma throw down.
sweet lord, i see the light!!!!!
when its final, i'm gonna have a party. i might be alone, drunk, doing the butterfly in my living room. but imma throw down.
8 years later......
i found this on, DJ Parler's blog. its from the same guys that made the Wassup commercials, but eight years later, things are very different. i think its worth a look.
An era has ended...

i am so not looking forward to this. For fifteen years, Common was my favorite rapper. but it came to a crashing halt with Finding Forever. and from his first single, its evident that the breaks are still on. common with pharrell some may love it. but it turns my stomach. the radio friendly, mass appeal serves its purpose, more exposure, new throngs of fans and adequate record sales. those relativity days were classic, innovative, and inspiring. i forgot to mention, they are long gone now. J Dilla, No ID, Premier, etc, elevated Common to legendary status. now he is like the freddy jackson of rap, love, intimacy is all he has to offer. long gone are the days............
i leave you with my favorite Common song. will he ever come close to this, ever?
my former bedroom in my parent's house. now an office but Common clippings still grace the wall.

a meeting 15 years in the making

Gordon Gartrell Radio

fossils, in time your fossils will be unearthed. living in your hometown does this to you. i cant tell you how many fossils, relics from my past i see. and the countless times, i dont want to speak or reminisce, for whatever reason. the mistakes of a teenager with no emotional attention span, come back to haunt me, more often than i care for. it explains why things are the way they are.
its crazy when you find out the truth, ten years later. like you soured on me cause, you heard i was fooling around with her (insert halfway mediocre but fast westside chick). damn, i started out on the wrong path. quality was not in my vocabulary. and i am still paying for it.
Word to the wise........

if you are an adult with grown-up tastes and/or an attention span, you will be doing yourself a disservice by not checking out the new Foreign Exchange Leave It All Behind.

ps, do yourself another favor and buy their first album Connected.
Support good music, its out there.....
its out there,
Support good music
...all that classic shit left a scar
that reminds me of where we are,
where we been
and where we going thru
and all the bullshit we(i'm) going through ........
Joe Scudda
you cut me deep every time.
that reminds me of where we are,
where we been
and where we going thru
and all the bullshit we(i'm) going through ........
Joe Scudda
you cut me deep every time.

i dont get overly political. its really not me. honestly, i live check to check. and obama nor mccain, is about to legislate the Omar financial plan, where a mere 0.05% of your federal taxes go into my Bank of America account.
i was joking, but seriously. change is needed. and beyond everything else obama stands for change. so don't be dismayed by long lines or conspiracy theories. please vote, vote early, vote on time. we don't have another 4 or 8 years to endure more financial erosion.
Kerry Washington
Randy Watson

this is who i will be for Halloween. seriously. if and when i decide to celebrate Halloween, this will be the one. Randy Watson, lead singer and icon from the world reknowned Sexual Chocolate.
i hate halloween. the only thing good that comes from it is sexy nurse, french maid and lusty devil outfits.
Murs II
this is murs, if you didnt already know. he just dropped his first album with a major a few weeks ago. and surprisingly, it is great. not quite, as hard hitting as those Murs and 9th Wonder projects, but not watered down and another failed crossover attempt. so i am happy to say that i was wrong. so i leave with his first video from this project can it be. i dont know if you will see it anywhere else. enjoy.
Pleasure Principle
i have been very nostalgic lately. in the blogs in real converstations, the 80's have been heavily on my mind for some reason. i even went to the mall yesterday looking for an MGM suit and put a corkscrew part on the right side of my head. i'm trying to look like Rakim on Paid and Full.
I digressed. but in keeping with my 80's theme, this is my absolute favorite Janet Jackson video. forget silicone tities (yeah I said it) and 42 year old abs and overly hyped but mildly received albums from this decade. ass tight, black, Guess jeans, knee pads, and Adidas they did something for a 7 year old, me. sitting there in front of the TV screen, i probably got one of my first pre-erections. and i dont know why, but it still turns me on when she jumps on that chair.
i hope you enjoy this as much as i do.
This Ain't Swagger!!!

why are we dressing like Bobby Knight and Jim Tressel. This aint swagger. i admit i've done it too. but in fall '08 going into '09, we gotta step the game. we are the epitome of style and need to be creative and start new trends. why water it down with business casual clothing. don't you want to be the block bangin red kool aid, not some rinky dink crystal light. lets sprinkle something new on the game.
this years concert season

this years concert season started late with the roots concert in the spring, which was the jump off point. i hadnt been a strong roots fan for sometime. the concert was good, but it didnt "awe" like i expected. in june i saw the legendary Gil Scott-Heron and was amazed. he was much more a musician than i would have ever imagined. then nas came in July. sometimes aging legends live off their name alone. nas brought the house down. his energy level was through the roof plus he did most of Illmatic and capped it off with Live at the BBQ. Little Brother came last month and, if you read the previous blog, you already know (YAK). Last fri, it was Rapheal Saddiq, who brought the house down. my most memorable moment was him performing, "Still Ray" and the whole crowd and band hummed the tuba part. wow, you should have been there. here is a taste for those who don't know.
its been a good season so far, up next is Murs to take it to a new level.
Little Brother 9.20

my brother says that i am assbackwards. and this time i do agree. the things closest to my heart tend to ben the farthest from my conversations. so i am trying to atone for the many people and/or things that i have slighted over the years. so here i go. i went to the Little Brother concert last week. and had another one of those moments, instead of sharing it with the world. i kept it all to myself. bad move.
i am a Little Brother fanatic. Little Brother is rapper big pooh and phonte. hailing from durham, nc, they are my favorite rap group, by far. they have supplanted my once favorite rapper(in a blog, coming soon). i support them in all of their endeavors and i clear my calender for their concerts. so far i have been to six of them. and they keep getting better. i can be spotted wearing my LB, t-shirt and hoodie (thanks again ?myk).

they just fill a void musically that was vacant for about 5 years. i cannot even explain what has come over me since '04 when i heard phonte and nicolay's foreign exchange in groove merchants. the journey started and there is no signs of slowing it down any time soon.
but what surprises me most is that their shows are great irregardless of the crowd or should i say lack thereof. the energy and enthusiasm is second to none. seriously i have been to a few boring packed out shows at amos' and needed a refund, because of lackluster performances. but i have seen a great lb show on trade and tryon for the hoop it up torney in'06 in front of 50 very spaced out people.
many artists treat charlotte the same way, you treat your job on monday morning. they just want to get it over with. i, we deserve better. can you say that your favorite artist a) comes to charlotte on any regular basis b)gives a great show in charlotte every time? i sincerely doubt it.
i stand behind quality, and Little Brother is that at all times. if you werent at the 9.20 show at amos here is a little something. for me, this song off the first album, 02's the listening, was the climax. be there next time.
Gnarls Barkely
this is the most amazing thing i have seen in a long time. the bluntness is so out of control.
the game is all messed up

i waited in a russian bread line tonight. the icy siberian plane was replaced with a windy early fall night off Sugar Creek and the bread was replaced with pricy Shell oil. it was a 2 hours and $44 later,i guess i should be happy. to the contrary, i know only that i will be able to make it work for the next few days before repeating the adventure. yes it was an adventure. police dispatched traffic, tempers rose steadily, our money escaped our grasp quickly, and in a far away lands a people smile as more billions enter their bank accounts.
isnt this the USA, where greed is good. isnt this the place where our desires are put so high above any one elses' needs. where all of our luxuries are taken for granted to the point that we look down on all peoples' who are less fortunate. how ironic is it that we wait in andaconda like gas lines like communists waiting for bread, security and all. and yet, we have gas lines like the old Communist bread lines i remember seeing on the news in the 80's. this is so un-american.
we gotta get our shit together.
Dusty videos (another gem)
i have been to many a party and the dj will play a wu tang sampler and will even sprinkle some ODB, but rarely. i insist rarely do they play this one. and each time i am sorely upset. i guess they are trying to keep those insurance premiums low. hahah
Stocks are falling, be on the lookout

if you watch the news you know we are in bad financial times. Lehman Bros. went bankrupt. Daily the pundits talk of massive bailouts of the largest mortgage lenders. Jobs are rolling back hours and everyone is getting bent over a hot hood at the gas station. but that is not what i'm really talking about. stocks fell down on college street last night in such a collosal way. so when you and your drunken professional friends go out on the town for a good night of drunken buffoonery. yes its buffononery when you and the wedding party show up downtown in tacky Fashion Mart suits.
but despite a night of ill advised drunken behavior. getting kicked out, talking reckless about the security staff who kicked you out. then the memorable statement that kicked the night off, "lets go, the stock is on the way down," hence the all was well, until a staggering buffoon inadvertently brushed a chic from another collection of the night's drunken monkeys. and just like mortimer when everyone starting selling those shares of frozen concentrated orange juice in Trading Places.

in just an instant google shares became Enron. the chick who was already geeked up. in some dude's face whether in jest or not. she says with a very animated finger in his face with disgust, "you touched my ass." and just like that company whose stock is the cornerstone of your 401k who didn't meet last quarter's numbers, stocks start to take a dip. the buffoon denied, sobering up little by little sensing this wasn't going too well. and then this olive skinned dude with dark hair had to defend her honor. a rhetorical question here a muffled response in reply. and then the shot that was heard around the block. the aggressor leveled the buffoon with a straight right. it was straight from UFC, he put his hips, ass, his all into it.

and the stocks plummeted. like pancake batter, splat!!!!!!!!!!. he took a concrete nap like Suge Knight a few months ago. buddy was seriously armed with mule kick in his punches. and to make matter worse his arm fell under his body inverted like a chicken wing. now a fight ensued. his buddy was also taken to the ground. the aggressors fled. yet the buffoon was still laid out. he slowly gathered himself. he tried to push himself up, which took about 20 seconds, like when you are stuck on the bench press. he got up with a little help, but he he had wobbly like a newborn deer. they then left to never be forgotten.
Who is watching over you?

you may have the brinks home security. some have a doorman or a security guard in your complex (i call 'em watchiman). even better you might even have top flight security. but my security is a lot cheaper and a little precarious. yeah precarious, i couldnt find a better word to express it. living in university park, we keep it old school, neighbors. some of you have heard my very entertaining stories of my neighbors and neighborhood. for those who dont know, out here i come in contact with some very interesting people on an almost daily basis.
so i am at the house. its a 1130 pm and i get a knock on the door. i was expecting no one and i dont accept uninvited guests. its my next door neighbor, who is very mysterious. he is nomadic, so i see him periodically. i can only guess what he is really up to. so last night he appeared at my door at 1130pm. he needs $7 for something. so we are talking and he is willing to trim my hedges for the change i'm giving him. yes, $7 change. i keep a change jar for times like this. i never go to the wallet even if i got it. then he says that he has been watching my house since i have been there. he sees me come in late, cause he is on the other side of the house or in his backyard when i come in late at night. and states that nothing will happen to me my house.
now this is the second time he has said this to me. now it makes me think. does he set people up for break-ins. does he scout the neighborhood and get a finder's fee or is he involved. or is this a light extortion. yeah a plethora of questions went through my head. and he then admits that he does his "thing" but he keeps that away from our street. now i always suspected what his "thing" is. let your imagination run on that.
but on the flip side, a friend of mine stopped by the house when i was on vacation. he was spotted. and when my mom came by in no time she was told and a dead-on description was given. so i guess there is a lot of truth to it.
another interesting day i 28216.
My minds playing tricks on me
i have been haunted lately. strange and recurring figures in my dreams for the last three weeks. they got me waking up sweating with my heart beating fast. ah damn homey, my mind is playing tricks on me........................
I love LA
its not a secret that i just returned from a marathon vacation in maryland to la then back to maryland. i could ramble all day about all that i saw and experienced while on the left coast, so i will break it down in a few parts as to still digest all that i took in.
The Cali-Lina Connection I
when cali and carolina come together something monumental happens
James Worthy the Pride of Gastonia

Murs & 9th Wonder
cousin kev from carson & el oso negro

wow the memories of those infamous days in monterrey, mex. thanks for everything from 2002 to 2008. and i will return to cali, y'all have not seen the last of me.
James Worthy the Pride of Gastonia

Murs & 9th Wonder
cousin kev from carson & el oso negro

wow the memories of those infamous days in monterrey, mex. thanks for everything from 2002 to 2008. and i will return to cali, y'all have not seen the last of me.
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